Chris was a wonderful coach.  He fed me Ice chips while I was laboring for hours in the tub.  Gave me juice to drink.  He also helped me with  the breathing exercising.
My lips got so dry Chris had to put chapstick on them.
 I couldn't of had a better coach.
Dr. Paula Galupo
Delivered Corey
I was given Pitocen to hurry up my labor since it had been over 12 hours since my water had broke. Corey was worth all the pain in the world. I had my hair pulled back in a bun.  When I took my hair down it was a giant knot.  Took some doing but I finally got it combed out. Corey could have been delivered sooner,  but I had to wait for the Dr. she was busy delivering a baby I knew going into this that I wasn't going to have an epidural.  That's why I was wanting the room with the tub in it.
I  switched rooms with another woman since she got the room with the tub in it and she wasn't going to use it.  I was in the tub for about 5 hours.  I wanted to do a water birth but the
Dr. said No.
The nurses couldn't believe how much hair Corey had I started having contractions on Sunday night, July 3 into Monday morning, July 4 into that night.  My contractions were 4 minutes apart so we left Monday night at 11:0o p.m and headed to the hospital.  
My water broke when I was walking into the emergency room.  I was dilated 4 when we arrived.
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